How You Can Help
Your donation will greatly help us to achieve our mission of making and mobilizing missionary disciples. Your donation will help support our work in the following areas:
General Mission: Equipping individuals, families, and churches to make missionary disciples to reach extended families, neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools.
Key Focus: Sustaining 25+ Catholic men’s groups established in every NH region to reach our families and churches.
Other Top Priorities: Spreading Discovery Bible Studies, coordinating Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance in New England and Come Follow Me in Uganda.
Click the button below to donate online.
Gifts by Mail or Phone:
Come Follow Me
9 Eastman Ave.
Bedford, NH 03110
Make checks payable to Come Follow Me.
Contact Dick Kiernan: 603-641-5741
You can also use your credit/debit account to be a sustaining donor with monthly installments.
Come Follow Me is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, Tax ID: 82-4020257