Parish Revitalization
What is the purpose of parish revitalization reunions? The main focus is to form parish leadership teams that carry out a “game plan” for the new evangelization. This is based primarily on Pope Francis’, “The Joy of the Gospel,” and the practical applications from the USCCB “Living as Missionary Disciples” and other models.
What are some of the models that these reunions focus on? Divine Renovation—St. Benedict—Halifax; The Amazing Parish; Rebuilt; Forming Intentional Disciples, Alpha and Holy Trinity Brompton.
What happens at the parish revitalization reunions? These quarterly gatherings are opportunities for peer learning. Each parish takes time to share what they are doing to establish a “game plan” for evangelization and missionary discipleship. The reunions may also take on other relevant topics.
What are the 4 main elements of parish revitalization?
Forming collaborative leadership teams to form a “game plan” for evangelization
Experiencing transformative prayer
Making missionary disciples (i.e., Connect Groups, Renewal Groups)
Evangelization through Alpha or various outreach efforts.