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Tool Box:  4 Pillars,
Stewardship, and Evangelization

4 Pillars and CFM Booklets

What are the “four pillars” to carry out our mission?  The four key areas are:


  1.      Forming Collaborative Leaders

Parish Leadership/Transformation Team:  Divine Renovation, Amazing Parish, Living As Missionary Disciples (USCCB)

The pastor and his staff or a small group of parish leaders forms a “game plan” for parish transformation, evangelization, and forming missionary disciples.

Divine Renovation, Divine Renovation Guidebook, DR2016 Conference, DR2016 Reunion, DR2016 video links


​  2.      Transformative Prayer Experiences, The Praying Church—10+ Ways to Ask the Holy Spirit to Transform your Parish

The transformation of the parish is fueled by the Holy Spirit in a variety of prayer experiences.  10+ experiences of transformative prayer introduced in the Alpha course and/or experienced at St. Benedict in Halifax:

10+ Experiences of Transformative Prayer:

  • Parish Worship at Mass, Daily Readings (The Word Among Us)

  • Daily Personal Prayer Time, (The Dynamic Catholic, Matthew Kelly)

  • Team Prayer and Formation at Planning Meetings

  • Prayer Partners—Sharing Prayer Intentions

  • Eucharistic Adoration Chapel

  • Prayer for Renewal of Baptism—Personal Relationship with Jesus

  • Sacrament of Reconciliation—Ongoing Repentance

  • Renewal of Confirmation—Praying to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit

  • Prayer for Healing—Unbound Ministry

  • Mobilizing Intercession (Parish Prayer Networking, Prayer Line)

  • The Local Prayer Ecumenical Prayer Movements (National Day of Prayer, 10 Days of Prayer, the Global Day of Prayer, Nights of Worship)


  3.      Making Missionary Disciples

The “game plan” focuses on choosing resources from “a menu” of proven renewal and discipleship resources to provide formation leading to service, outreach, and leadership.


Divine Renovation Tools:

  • Discipleship Group:  Short-term, home-based discipleship series

  • Connect Groups: Long-term, bi-weekly, home-based discipleship communities


The “Menu” of Renewal and Discipleship Ministries:

  • Life in the Spirit Seminar and Charismatic Prayer Groups

  • Cursillo, Ultreya (follow up) and Kairos (prison ministry)

  • Men of St. Joseph, Knights of Columbus, Women of Mary

  • Unbound, Neal Lozano

  • (the Catholic version of Netflix)

  • Bishop Robert Barron—Catholicism

  • Disciples in Mission—PNCEA

  • Jeff Cavins, The Great Adventure Bible Study,

  • Chosen—Teenage Formation:

  • Come Follow Me Training—10 Essentials of Discipleship, 6 Principles of Leadership

  • Parish Missions, Lenten Parish Seminars, Webinars, Parish Conferences


  4.      Loving and Joyful Faith Sharing


​What tools do we have for these 4 pillars?  The Come Follow Me booklets introduce 10 Transformative Prayer Experiences, 10 Essentials of Discipleship, and 6 Essentials of Leadership.  Living as Missionary Disciples (USCCB) identifies 4 elements for evangelization from Pope Francis: 
1) encounter with Christ, 2) accompany on the spiritual journey, 3) integration into the faith community, and 4) equipping to send people into the mission.


Summary of "The Joy of the Gospel"

How can someone catch the vision for The Joy of the Gospel?  Come Follow Me offers a free 1-page and 30-page, highlighted summary and full version to help people catch the vision from Pope Francis.


CFM Leadership Formation

Parish Leadership/Transformation Team: Divine Renovation, Amazing Parish, Living As Missionary Disciples (USCCB) 

The pastor and his staff or a small group of parish leaders forms a “game plan” for parish transformation, evangelization, and forming missionary disciples.


CFM Talks and Seminars for Ministries and Parishes


Evangelization:  Evangelization through Alpha and other resources: Introduction, training.

The parish “game plan” includes evangelization resources to convert participants and train team members to evangelize in everyday life.

  • Alpha in a Catholic Context:

  • Alpha Specialties:  youth, ESOL/multi-cultural, prison, campus, others

  • Relationship Central:  Marriage Course, Prep Course, Parenting Courses

  • The Alpha NE Catholic Team:  Catholic advisors around NE

  • The “Andrew” Method:  Inviting family and friends to Alpha and Gospel events

  • The “Monica” Method:  Prayer and action of a lifetime!

  • Ecumenical Evangelization Ministries and tools:  Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Athletes in Action, Christian Business Fellowship, Young Life, others

  • A variety of resources are needed to expand this list:  Discovering Christ, Chosen, Evangelical Catholic, RCIA inquiry, etc.

  • Faith sharing, other Christians, NHA outreach o-link to monthly AUSA-ACC webinars:


​Contact Us

Tel:  603-641-5741



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