Forming Leaders to Make Missionary Disciples
What is the main focus of Come Follow Me? In Mark 1:17 Jesus says, “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of people,” so our plan is to adopt Jesus’ plan with Pope Francis’ guidance: to “form leaders to make missionary disciples” that can carry out our mission to “catch people”!
Why is this needed? As we witness a decline in church attendance, family members who have lost their faith or have become indifferent, and a growing hopelessness in society, Pope Francis calls us to return to our mission. He says, “I dream of a ‘missionary option,’ that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything,” (“The Joy of the Gospel,” #27). Fr. James Mallon says we have 2 choices—change or die!
Practically speaking, what does this mean for us as individuals? Just like Jesus with his disciples, we have to change ourselves first. However, we don’t change on our own—we change by joining a community of mutual support and prayer. Next, we find our first calling is to reach our families—we are following the example of St. Monica—to pray for half a life time for St. Augustine’s conversion! We are also called to bring this calling into our ministries and churches, but we are especially focused on mobilizing to reach outside the church into our everyday life.
How can someone catch the vision for The Joy of the Gospel? Come Follow Me offers a free 1-page and 30-page, highlighted summary and full version to help people catch the vision from Pope Francis.
What are the “four pillars” to carry out our mission? The four key areas are: 1) forming collaborative leaders, 2) transformative prayer experiences, 3) making missionary disciples, and 4) loving and joyful faith sharing.
What tools do we have for these 4 pillars? The Come Follow Me booklets introduce 10 Transformative Prayer Experiences, 10 Essentials of Discipleship, and 6 Essentials of Leadership. Living as Missionary Disciples (USCCB) identifies 4 elements for evangelization from Pope Francis: 1) encounter with Christ, 2) accompany on the spiritual journey, 3) integration into the faith community, and 4) equipping to send people into the mission.
What are the steps you can take to live this out?
Option #1: Meet with CFM mentors to establish a personal formation plan.
Option #2: Join a CFM leadership group. The CFM NH group meets monthly.
Option #2A: Ask a CFM mentor to help you start a new CFM leadership group in your region.
Option #3: Join a Church Revitalization Reunion to learn how to establish a church evangelization team.
Option #4: Join a CFM monthly “Connect Group” focused on making missionary disciples.
Option #4A: Join an Alpha Course, Cursillo/Ultreya, or Life in the Spirit Seminar/Prayer Group.
Option #5: Start a St. Monica Intercession Group to pray for the conversion of your spouse or adult children.
Option #5A: Join any existing outreach ministry in your church or community.
Option #6: Start or join 603 Gospel Challenge regional outreach teams to “reach our cities together.”
For help in joining or starting any of these groups, contact the CFM office.
How can Come Follow Me be introduced to new people? Come Follow Me leaders are available to visit renewal groups, churches, and community groups to share our vision. Another option is to attend our annual conference (spring), retreat and dinner (Pentecost weekend), or other CFM gatherings.
How can I contact Come Follow Me or contribute to the funding?
Contact Dick Kiernan at our office at 603-641-5741 or email at DickKiernanNH@gmail.com.